Terms and Conditions
The entered membership numbers can be checked by FBA - BFL / AOPA Belgium with the specified air sports federations. Certain data will be passed on to AOPA US and to IAOPA Europe in order to gain access to membership benefits.
Membership always starts on the day you receive your membership fee from AOPA Belgium and runs until March 31 of the following calendar year. You can only apply for and register membership here via this website.
After approval of your application you will receive a payment invitation.
After receipt of your payment, your AOPA Belgium membership card/crew card will be delivered to you as soon as possible.
Cost of annual membership AOPA Belgium:
A)You are a member and you have taken out sports insurance in accordance with the sports decree of Flanders or Wallonia of one of the following recognized air sports federations: Cost price =€15.00
* Association of Flemish Motor Flying Clubs(VVMV)
* Association for Model Aeronautics(VML)
* League of Flemish Gliding Clubs(LVZC)
* Wallonia Federation of Parachute Clubs(FWCP)
* Fédération des Clubs Francophones de Vol à Voile(FCFVV)
B) You are a member of one of the above air sports federations but you do NOT have sports insurance. Cost price is €35.00
C) In all other cases, you pay the cost of €55.00